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Richard York eBooks

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Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery

Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery Image
This book covers the jQuery JavaScript framework and the jQuery UI JavaScript framework to get more results more quickly out of JavaScript programming. I cover each method exposed by jQuery's API, which contains methods to make common, redundant tasks go much more quickly in less code. I also cover how jQuery eliminates certain cross-browser, cross-platform development headaches like the event model; not only does it eliminate these headaches, but it also makes it easier to work with events by reducing the amount of code that you need to write to attach events. It even gives you the ability to simulate events.You should have a basic understanding of JavaScript. I review some basic JavaScript programming concepts, such as the Event API, but I do not g...

CSS Instant Results

CSS Instant Results Image
CSS Instant Results helps you quickly master and implement the diverse web applications CSS enables for web designers.The book is centered around ten ready-to-use projects with all the code for all the projects included on the books CD-ROM - that you can use immediately. CSS Instant Results dives into working code so you can learn it rapidly. The book and code projects are written for web developers and designers who are looking to learn how to use CSS for better, faster design and markup. Some previous JavaScript use is helpful.Each of the 10 project features step-by-step set-up instructions with a description of each project that enables you to understand and then modify it so you can reuse it in different situations.The code has been tested with s...

Beginning CSS

Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design
Beginning CSS Image
Cascading style sheets (CSS) are the modern standard for website presentation. When combined with a structural markup language such as HTML, XHTML, or XML (though not limited to these), cascading style sheets provide Internet browsers with the information that enables them to present all the visual aspects of a web document. Cascading style sheets apply things such as borders, spacing between paragraphs, headings or images, control of font faces or font colors, background colors and images, textual effects such as underlined or strike-through text, layering, positioning, and a number of other presentational effects. CSS controls the presentational aspects of a web page's design, whereas HTML, XHTML, or XML controls the structure of a web page, which ...

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