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Michael Kay eBooks

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Light-Emitting Diodes

Light-Emitting Diodes Image
2nd Edition
Revised and fully up-dated, the second edition of this graduate textbook offers a comprehensive explanation of the technology and physics of LEDs such as infrared, visible-spectrum, ultraviolet, and white LEDs made from III-V semiconductors. Elementary properties such as electrical and optical characteristics are reviewed, followed by the analysis of advanced device structures. With nine additional chapters, the treatment of LEDs has been vastly expanded, including new material on device packaging, reflectors, UV LEDs, III-V nitride materials, solid-state sources for illumination applications, and junction temperature. Radiative and non-radiative recom...


Programmer's Reference
XSLT Image
2nd Edition
This compact, relevant, updated version reflects recent changes in the XSLT specification and developments in XSLT parsers. The material on tools and implementations has been revised; so too have all the examples. It also includes a new chapter on writing extension functions. XML has firmly established itself as the universal standard for managing data for the web and is now being implemented on a wide scale. XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language), a vital companion to XML, is used for two main purposes: to format or style XML data so that it can be displayed in a browser and to transform XML data (XSLT). When you transform an XML document, you manipulat...

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