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Robert L. Kruse eBooks

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Data Structures and Program Design in C++

Data Structures and Program Design in C++ Image
Progressing from the concrete to the abstract - and using numerous, substantial case studies and sample programs - this book explores structured problem solving, data abstraction, software engineering principles, and the comparative analysis of algorithms as fundamental tools of program design. The book and all programs have been completely written from the Object-Oriented perspective. Uses the C++ programming language throughout. Briefly reviews the syntax of C++ and provides a brief introduction to the language. The book is native C++ making full use of C++ features and object-oriented programming. Discusses major principles of software engineering and applies them to large programming projects. Covers several more advanced, modern topics, e.g.: Sp...

Data Structures And Program Design In C ++

Data Structures And Program Design In C ++ Image
Explores problem solving & programming principles, data abstraction, recursion, & the comparative analysis of algorithms as fundamental tools of software design. DLC: C++ (Computer program language) In a surprisingly lively textbook-style treatment, Data Structures and Program Design in C++ delivers expertise and plenty of sample programs for the working C++ programmer or computer science student. While some books on data structures stress theory and mathematical concepts over real-world sample code, this guide illustrates its tour of data structures--such as stacks, lists, queues, trees, and graphs--with clear, engaging samples. Throughout, the authors make use of built-in C++ features (such as the Standard Template Library [STL] and tem...

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