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iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners

IOS 5 Edition
iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners Image
The iPhone is the hottest gadget of our generation, and much of its success has been fueled by the App Store, Apple's online marketplace for iPhone applications. Over 1 billion apps were downloaded during the nine months following the launch of the App Store, ranging from the simplest games to the most complex business apps. Everyone has an idea for the next bestselling iPhone app presumably, that's why you're reading this now! And with the popularity of the iPad, this demand will just continue to grow. So how do you build an application for the iPhone and iPad? Don't you need to spend years learning complicated programming languages? What about Objective-C and Cocoa touch? The answer is that you don't need to know any of those things! Anybody can st...

Beginning iOS Storyboarding

Using Xcode
Beginning iOS Storyboarding Image
For the beginner who has never programmed, Beginning iOS Storyboarding shows how to extract those cool and innovative app ideas you have in your head into a working app ready for sale on the iTunes store by using Apple's new Storyboardingtechnology. Storyboarding allows you to skip chunks of code by just dragging scenes and segues onto your Storyboard canvas. A time saver for sure, but it's new! Dr. Rory Lewis, Yulia McCarthy and Stephen Moraco a best selling Apress author, a former Apple iOS engineering group intern and a successful app developer have teamed up to bring you this book, Beginning iOS Storyboarding.The three authors have found a beautiful way to lead the beginner into Storyboarding and at the same time show old school coders of Obje...

iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners

iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners Image
The iPhone is the hottest gadget of our generation, and much of its success has been fueled by the App Store, Apples online marketplace for iPhone applications. Over 1 billion apps have been downloaded in the 9 months the App Store has been open, ranging from the simplest games to the most complex business apps. Everyone has an idea for the next best-selling iPhone apppresumably thats why youre reading this now. And with the release of the iPad, this demand will just continue to grow. So how do you build an application for the iPhone and iPad? Dont you need to spend years learning complicated programming languages? What about Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, and the software development kit (SDK)? The answer is that you dont need to know any of those things...

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