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James W. Cooper eBooks

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Java Design Patterns

A Tutorial
Java Design Patterns Image
Java developers know that design patterns offer powerful productivity benefits -- but until now, few patterns books have been specific enough to address their programming challenges. With Java Design Patterns, there's finally a hands-on, practical design patterns guide focused specifically on real-world Java development. Java Design Patterns is structured as a series of short chapters, each describing one Java 1.2 design pattern and providing one or more complete, working, visual example programs, complete with UML diagrams illustrating how the classes interact. The book covers three main categories of design patterns: creational, structural, and behavioral. Author James W. Cooper demonstrates several patterns at work in the context of development wi...

C# Design Patterns

A Tutorial
C# Design Patterns Image
This is a practical book that explains how to write C# programs using some of the most common design patterns. With the release of C# and Visual Studio .NET, there is a new interest in the Microsoft development community in some of the OO world's key tools, such as UML and Design Patterns, which they had neglected before. The book covers every pattern identified in Gamma et al's Design Patterns which can be executed in C#. For each pattern, it starts with a brief verbal description, and then builds simple example programs. Each of these examples is a visual program that can be run and examined to make the pattern as concrete a concept as possible. All of the examples will be on the companion CD. The emphasis is on the practical ways to use these patt...

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