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Adam Dawes eBooks

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Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Game Development

Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Game Development Image
Creating fun, sophisticated games for Windows devices large or small has never been easier! With masses of example code and fully working games for you to download and run straight away Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Game Development is your ideal first step into modern games development. This book gives you everything you need to realize your dreams and produce fantastic games that will run on all Windows 8 devices from desktops to tablets to phones. You can code once and run everywhere. The ubiquity of Windows 8 devices makes this opportunity to good to miss! The Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 platforms have huge potential for gaming. New form-factors - such as the Surface tablet - coupled with improved processors and higher screen resolutions ...

Windows Mobile Game Development

Building games for the Windows Phone and other mobile devices
Windows Mobile Game Development Image
This book will provide you with a comprehensive guide to developing games for both the Windows Mobile platform and the Windows Phone using the industry standard programming languages C# and VB .NET. You will be walked through every aspect of developing for the Windows Mobile platformfrom setting up your development environment for the first time to creating advanced 3D graphics. Finally, youll learn how you can make your applications available to others, whether distributing for free or selling online. Using extensive code samples throughout, youll gather all the information needed to create your own games and distribute them successfully for others to enjoy. Aimed primarily at C# developers, almost everything in the book can be used in VB .NET too. ...

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