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George Szpiro eBooks

Download free George Szpiro eBooks

The Secret Life of Numbers

50 Easy Pieces on How Mathematicians Work and Think
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Most of us picture mathematicians laboring before a chalkboard, scribbling numbers and obscure symbols as they mutter unintelligibly. This lighthearted (but realistic) sneak-peak into the everyday world of mathematicians turns that stereotype on its head. Most people have little idea what mathematicians do or how they think. It's often difficult to see how their seemingly arcane and esoteric work applies to our own everyday lives. But mathematics also holds a special allure for many people. We are drawn to its inherent beauty and fascinated by its complexity - but often intimidated by its presumed difficulty. "The Secret Life of Numbers" opens our eyes to the joys of mathematics, introducing us to the charming, often whimsical side, of the ...

Kepler's Conjecture

How Some of the Greatest Minds in History Helped Solve One of the Oldest Math Problems in the World
Kepler's Conjecture Image
The fascinating story of a problem that perplexed mathematicians for nearly 400 yearsIn 1611, Johannes Kepler proposed that the best way to pack spheres as densely as possible was to pile them up in the same way that grocers stack oranges or tomatoes. This proposition, known as Kepler's Conjecture, seemed obvious to everyone except mathematicians, who seldom take anyone's word for anything. In the tradition of Fermat's Enigma, George Szpiro shows how the problem engaged and stymied many men of genius over the centuries--Sir Walter Raleigh, astronomer Tycho Brahe, Sir Isaac Newton, mathematicians C. F. Gauss and David Hilbert, and R. Buckminster Fuller, to name a few--until Thomas Hales of the University of Michigan submitted what seems to be a defini...

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