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Matthew Baxter-Reynolds eBooks

Download free Matthew Baxter-Reynolds eBooks

Programming Windows Store Apps with C#

Programming Windows Store Apps with C# Image
If you're a .NET developer looking to build tablet apps, this practical book takes you step-by-step through the process of developing apps for the Windows Store. You'll learn how to use Microsoft's Modern UI design language with Windows 8.1 and WinRT 8.1.1 by building a line-of-business mobile app with C# through the course of the book. To develop the app, you'll work with the same system details and design specs that apply to retail apps, such as persistence, backend service, and Windows 8 features for sharing and search. You'll learn how to develop the code, incorporate third-party open source products, and package your app for the Windows Store. Build a UI with XAML and the Model/View/View-Model pattern Understand asynchrony-and rediscover thread...

Multimobile Development

Building Applications for the IPhone and Android
Multimobile Development Image
You've developed a killer app for one mobile devicenow its time to maximize your intellectual investment and develop for the full spectrum of mobile platforms and devices. With Cracking iPhone and Android Native Development, youll learn how to quickly retool between the iPhone and Android platforms and broaden the interest and audience of your app, without working with burdensome and error-prone compatibility layers and toolkits. Cracking iPhone and Android Native Development takes you, the developer, through the same mobile software development projecton both platforms, learning the differences between and the relative strengths and weaknesses of each platform as you go. No magic intermediate layers of obfuscationby the time you get to the end, you...

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