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Robert Chin eBooks

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Beginning Android 3D Game Development

Beginning Android 3D Game Development Image
Beginning Android 3D Game Development is a unique, examples-driven book for today's Android and game app developers who want to learn how to build 3D game apps that run on the latest Android 5.0 (KitKat) platform using Java and OpenGL ES. Android game app development continues to be one of the hottest areas where indies and existing game app developers seem to be most active. Android is the second best mobile apps eco and arguably even a hotter game apps eco than iOS. 3D makes your games come alive; so in this book you'll find that we go in depth on creating 3D games for the Android platform with OpenGL ES 2.0 using an original case study game called Drone Grid. Moreover, this book offers an extensive case study with code that will be modular and re...

Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development

Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development Image
The Unreal UDK features Epic's award-winning Unreal Engine 3, used to create bestselling games such as Infinity Blade for iOS, and popular console games like Borderlands and Bioshock. Now, you can build your own Unreal game for the iOS platform. Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development covers using the Unreal UDK game creation system to create 3D games for the iOS platform, which includes the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Specifically, this book covers: UnrealScript programming language, going beyond the limitations of the visual Kismet scripting language The Unreal UDK code framework, basic UDK tools and other UDK items needed to build a game Various author-created game frameworks are presented and are used to illustrate the UnrealScript program...

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