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Mike Keith eBooks

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Pro JPA 2

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2nd Edition
Pro JPA 2, Second Edition introduces, explains, and demonstrates how to use the new Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.1 from the perspective of one of the specification creators. A one-of-a-kind resource, it provides both theoretical and extremely practical coverage of JPA usage for both beginning and advanced developers. Authors Mike Keith and Merrick Schincariol take a handson approach, based on their wealth of experience and expertise, by giving examples to illustrate each concept of the API and showing how it is used in practice. The examples use a common model from an overriding sample application, giving readers a context from which to start and helpi...

Pro EJB 3

Java Persistence API
Pro EJB 3 Image
EJB 3.0 sets a precedent. It has made huge advances in ease of development, and its drastically simplified programming model has been widely acclaimed. Mike Keith, EJB 3.0 co-specification lead, and Merrick Schinariol, reviewer of EJB 3.0, offer unparalleled insight and expertise on the EJB 3.0 persistence specification, in this definitive guide to EJB 3.0 persistence technology. Expect full coverage and examination of the EJB 3.0 spec from these expert authors, including: The EntityManager API The new features of EJB Query Language (EJB QL) Basic and advanced object-relational mapping Advanced topics like concurrency, locking, inheritance, and polymorphism Assuming a basic knowledge of Java, SQL, JDBC, and some J2EE experience, Keith and Schin...

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