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Johnson M. Hart eBooks

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Windows System Programming

Windows System Programming Image
3rd Edition
"If you're a systems-level 32-bit or 64-bit Windows developer, whether using the Windows API directly or via .NET interop, you'll definitely want to take a look at this update to Johnson Hart's well-respected and well-loved book. Johnson starts with Windows history and cultural issues and moves through basic and advanced system services in a thoughtful, thorough manner. If Mr. Rogers wrote a book with David Cutler, this is what they'd come up with." Chris Sells, Longhorn Content Strategist,Microsoft Corporation "While focusing on UNIX developers that are looking to augment their skills or simply jump ship, Windows System Programming, Thi...

Windows System Programming

Windows System Programming Image
4th Edition
'If you're writing a native Win32 program or just want to know what the OS is really doing underneath, you need John's book. He covers the stuff that real systems programmers absolutely must know. Recommended.' Chris Sells, Microsoft Corporation 'This fourth edition does a great job of incorporating new features in the Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7 API, but also stays true to teaching the foundational elements of building applications that target the Windows OS.' Jason Beres, Product Management, Infragistics The Definitive Guide to Windows API Programming, Fully Updated for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista Windows...

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