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Brian Proffitt eBooks

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Take Your iPad to Work

Take Your iPad to Work Image
With the right applications, the iPad can become more than just a content consumption device for videos, music, and electronic books. It can be a content production device as well -- generating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations for the workplace. This ability to produce content, given the right applications, immediately shifts the iPad into a useful business device. For example, businesses that depend on fast, accurate business processes can utilize the iPad to supply data quickly, invoice customers, and manage vendors from a reliable, highly mobile platform. TAKE YOUR IPAD TO WORK is for anyone who wants to get started using the iPad in a professional environment. By demonstrating the different types of business apps available for the iPad,...

Introducing Fedora

Desktop Linux
Introducing Fedora Image
Many people think of Fedora as an operating system that is way over their heads -- that only techies can use this strange, arcane OS with the odd name. Introducing Fedora: Desktop Linux is here to tell you that this is simply not the case. Fedora, and Linux in general, have become very easy for everyday home and business users to install and use. Now you can find out for yourself, in just one weekend, how easy it is to get started using Fedora and discover that there is life beyond Windows. Introducing Fedora: Desktop Linux is for anyone who wants to learn Fedora, specifically Fedora 13. Think of this book as a personal tutorial, a one-on-one class with an expert user of Fedora....

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