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Steven M. Kay eBooks

Download free Steven M. Kay eBooks

Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing

Volume 1 Estimation Theory
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing Image
A unified presentation of parameter estimation for those involved in the design and implementation of statistical signal processing algorithms. Covers important approaches to obtaining an optimal estimator and analyzing its performance; and includes numerous examples as well as applications to real- world problems. MARKETS: For practicing engineers and scientists who design and analyze signal processing systems, i.e., to extract information from noisy signals - radar engineer, sonar engineer, geophysicist, oceanographer, biomedical engineer, communications engineer, economist, statistician, physicist, etc....

Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB

Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB Image
Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB is an introduction to probability and random processes that merges theory with practice. Based on the authors belief that only "hands-on" experience with the material can promote intuitive understanding, the approach is to motivate the need for theory using MATLAB examples, followed by theory and analysis, and finally descriptions of "real-world" examples to acquaint the reader with a wide variety of applications. The latter is intended to answer the usual question "Why do we have to study this?" Other salient features are: *heavy reliance on computer simulation for illustration and student exercises *the incorporation of MATLAB programs and code segments *discus...

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