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Apostolos Syropoulos eBooks

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Steps in Scala

An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming
Steps in Scala Image
Scala is a highly expressive, concise and scalable language. It is also the most prominent method of the new and exciting methodology known as object-functional programming. In this book, the authors show how Scala grows to the needs of the programmer, whether professional or hobbyist. They teach Scala with a step-by-step approach and explain how to exploit the full power of the industry-proven JVM technology. Readers can then dive into specially chosen design challenges and implementation problems, inspired by the trials of real-world software engineering. It also helps readers to embrace the power of static typing and automatic type inference. In addition, the book shows how to use the dual-object and functional-oriented natures combined at Scala's...

Digital Typography Using LaTeX

Digital Typography Using LaTeX Image
Using clear and concise language this book introduces new users to the use of the TeX system, in particular document preparation using LaTeX. It avoids the pitfalls of having to search through several advanced books on the subject, by collecting together the more frequently required tools and presenting these in a single accessible volume. It also describes the recent developments in multilingual typesetting using TeX that now make it straightforward for users to prepare documents in their own language and alphabet, giving the book a global readership. Topics include: multi-lingual uses of LaTeX; discussion of hardware implementations; use and misuse of particular LaTeX commands; and many others....

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