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Jerry C. Whitaker eBooks

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The Resource Handbook of Electronics

The Resource Handbook of Electronics Image
Building upon the extensive resources of Whitaker's The Electronics Handbook, The Resource Handbook of Electronics offers the most complete collection of reference and tabular data available. It provides the data that engineers and technologists need in a clear, concise format that does away with detailed explanations and presents just the facts-the essential tables, charts, formulas, definitions, and equations with just enough detail to accomplish the task at hand.This one-stop reference covers a broad range of technologies, emphasizes practical applications, and provides references to more detailed information on important subjects. Its many topics include:...


Microelectronics Image
2nd Edition
When it comes to electronics, demand grows as technology shrinks. From consumer and industrial markets to military and aerospace applications, the call is for more functionality in smaller and smaller devices. Culled from the second edition of the best-selling Electronics Handbook, Microelectronics, Second Edition presents a summary of the current state of microelectronics and its innovative directions.This book focuses on the materials, devices, and applications of microelectronics technology. It details the IC design process and VLSI circuits, including gate arrays, programmable logic devices and arrays, parasitic capacitance, and transmission line d...

The Communications Facility Design Handbook

The Communications Facility Design Handbook Image
The responsibilities of the system engineer are many and varied, especially as they relate to facility design and construction. Successful execution of these responsibilities requires an understanding of the underlying technologies, the applicable quality standards, and the proper methods for achieving them. The Communications Facility Design Handbook is dedicated to providing and supporting that understanding. It examines the tasks and functions of the system engineer and establishes a foundation for designing, installing, operating, and maintaining audio, video, computer, and radio frequency systems and facilities.Unique in its scope and its approach, The Communications Facility Design Handbook describes the important steps required to take a proje...

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