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Alan Trevennor eBooks

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Experimenting with AVR Microcontrollers

Experimenting with AVR Microcontrollers Image
AVR is the brain that runs Arduino, but you don't need the whole Arduino board to do fun projects. Experimenting with AVR Microcontrollers, from Practical AVR Microcontrollers, shows you how to create a spiffy set of projects that you can build to learn more about electronics, about AVR, and just to generate new ideas for your own projects. Alan Trevennor will show you how to create a secret panel project, a gadget to drive your pets crazy, a hallway lighting system, and even a small home automation network.What youll learnHow to create an illuminated secret panelHow to create visual effects with AVRHow to create a waterfall-like lighting systemHow to set up a small home automation networkWho this book is for Electronics hobbyists, Arduino fans, and...

Practical AVR Microcontrollers

Games, Gadgets, and Home Automation with the Microcontroller Used in the Arduino
Practical AVR Microcontrollers Image
In Practical AVR Microcontrollers, youll learn how to use the AVR microcontroller to make your own nifty projects and gadgets. Youll start off with the basics in part one: setting up your development environment and learning how the "naked" AVR differs from the Arduino. Then youll gain experience by building a few simple gizmos and learning how everything can be interconnected. In part two, we really get into the goodies: projects! Each project will show you exactly what software and hardware you need, and will provide enough detail that you can adapt it to your own needs and parts availability. Some of the projects youll make: An illuminated secret panel A hallway lighting system with a waterfall effect A crazy lightshow Visual effects...

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