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Eugene Agafonov eBooks

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Multithreading in C# 5.0 Cookbook

Multithreading in C# 5.0 Cookbook Image
Over 70 recipes to help you learn asynchronous and parallel programming with C# 5.0 quickly and efficiently Overview Delve deep into the .NET threading infrastructure and use Task Parallel Library for asynchronous programming Scale out your server applications effectively Master C# 5.0 asynchronous operations language support In Detail In an age when computer processors are being developed to contain more and more cores, multithreading is a key factor for creating scalable, effective, and responsive applications. If you fail to do it correctly, it can lead to puzzling problems that take a huge amount of time to resolve. Therefore, having a solid understanding of multithreading is a must for the modern application developer. Multithreading in C# 5....

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