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Noel Kalicharan eBooks

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Advanced Topics in C

Core Concepts in Data Structures
Advanced Topics in C Image
C is the most widely used programming language of all time. It has been used to create almost every category of softwareimaginable and the list keeps growing every day. Cutting-edge applications, such as Arduino, embeddable and wearable computing are ready-made for C. AdvancedTopics In C teaches concepts that any budding programmer should know. You'll delve into topics such as sorting, searching, merging, recursion, random numbers and simulation, among others. You will increase the range of problems you can solve when you learn how to manipulate versatile and popular data structures such as binary trees and hash tables. This book assumes you have a working knowledge of basic programming concepts such as variables, constants, assignment, selectio...

Advanced Topics in Java

Core Concepts in Data Structures
Advanced Topics in Java Image
Java is one of the most widely used programming languages today. It was first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. Over the years, its popularity has grown to the point where it plays an important role in most of our lives. From laptops to data centers, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere! There are tons of applications and heaps of websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. And, of course, Java is used to power what has become the world's most dominant mobile platform, Android.Advanced Topics In Java teaches the algorithms and concepts that any budding software developer should know. You'll delve into topics such as sorting, searching, merging, ...

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