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Adrian Dobre eBooks

Download free Adrian Dobre eBooks

Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation and Simulations

With HTML5 Canvas
Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation and Simulations Image
Have you ever wanted to include believable physical behaviors in your games and projects to give them that extra edge? Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations teaches you how to incorporate real physics, such as gravity, friction, and buoyancy, into your HTML5 games, animations, and simulations. It also includes more advanced topics, such as particle systems, which are essential for creating effects such as sparks or smoke. The book also addresses the key issue of balancing accuracy and simplicity in your games and simulations, and the final chapters provide you with the information and the code to make the right choice for your project.Physics for JavaScript Games, Animation, and Simulations assumes you have a basic knowledge of Jav...

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