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Adam Benoit eBooks

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Windows Phone 8 in Action

Windows Phone 8 in Action Image
Summary Windows Phone 8 in Action is a comprehensive guide to developing apps for the WP8 platform. It covers the Windows Phone Runtime and .NET APIs used to work with a phone's sensors and hardware, including the accelerometer, camera, gyroscope, GPS, and microphone. You will learn to write code to dial the phone, write emails, send text messages, and recognize speech. The book also teaches you to build applications that use location and push notification. About this Book With 10 million (and climbing) active handsets, Windows Phone 8 has become a real alternative to Android and iOS. WP users are hungry for great apps, so it's time for you to start creating them! Windows Phone 8 in Action teaches you how to design, build, and sell WP8 apps. In it, y...

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