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Robert L. Glass eBooks

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Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering

Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering Image
The practice of building software is a 'new kid on the block' technology. Though it may not seem this way for those who have been in the field for most of their careers, in the overall scheme of professions, software builders are relative 'newbies.' In the short history of the software field, a lot of facts have been identified, and a lot of fallacies promulgated. Those facts and fallacies are what this book is about. There's a problem with those factsand, as you might imagine, those fallacies. Many of these fundamentally important facts are learned by a software engineer, but over the short lifespan of the software field, all too many of them have been forgotten. While reading Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering , you may experience moment...

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