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Y. C. Pao eBooks

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Engineering Analysis

Interactive Methods and Programs with FORTRAN, QuickBASIC, MATLAB, and Mathematica
Engineering Analysis Image
This book provides a concise introduction to numerical concepts in engineering analysis, using FORTRAN, QuickBASIC, MATLAB, and Mathematica to illustrate the examples. Discussions include:matrix algebra and analysissolution of matrix equationsmethods of curve fitmethods for finding the roots of polynomials and transcendental equationsfinite differences and methods for interpolation and numerical differentiationnumerical computation of single and double integralsnumerical solution of ordinary differential equationsEngineering Analysis:teaches readers to become proficient in FORTRAN or QuickBASIC programming to solve engineering problemsprovides an introduction to MATLAB and Mathematica, enabling readers to write supplementary m-files for MATLAB and to...

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