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Damian Conway eBooks

Download free Damian Conway eBooks

Perl Best Practices

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Many programmers code by instinct, relying on convenient habits or a "style" they picked up early on. They aren't conscious of all the choices they make, like how they format their source, the names they use for variables, or the kinds of loops they use. They're focused entirely on problems they're solving, solutions they're creating, and algorithms they're implementing. So they write code in the way that seems natural, that happens intuitively, and that feels good. But if you're serious about your profession, intuition isn't enough. Perl Best Practices author Damian Conway explains that rules, conventions, standards, and practices not only help programmers communicate and coordinate with one another, they also provide a reliable framework ...

Object Oriented Perl

A Comprehensive Guide to Concepts and Programming Techniques
Object Oriented Perl Image
Programmers who already have basic to intermediate skills in procedural Perl and understand fundamental concepts of object orientation will get a solid understanding of basic and advanced object-oriented Perl. This book clarifies when, where and why to use Perl. Featuring many techniques and tricks, it presents solutions to common programming problem and explains how to combine Perl and C++. Techniques and tricks to master basic and advanced OO Perl for programmers who already have basic to intermediate skills in procedural Perl....

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