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Sivarama P. Dandamudi eBooks

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Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design

Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design Image
A new advanced textbook/reference providing a comprehensive survey of hardware and software architectural principles and methods of computer systems organization and design. The book is suitable for a first course in computer organization. The style is similar to that of the author's book on assembly language in that it strongly supports self-study by students. This organization facilitates compressed presentation of material. Emphasis is also placed on related concepts to practical designs/chips. Topics: material presentation suitable for self- study; concepts related to practical designs and implementations; extensive examples and figures; details provided on several digital logic simulation packages; free MASM download instructions provided; and e...

Guide to RISC Processors

For Programmers and Engineers
Guide to RISC Processors Image
Recently, there's been a trend toward processors based on the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) design: Some example RISC processors are the MIPS, SPARC, PowerPC, ARM, and even Intel's 64-bit processor Itanium. This guidebook provides an accessible and all-encompassing compendium on RISC processors, introducing five RISC processors: MIPS, SPARC, PowerPC, ARM and Itanium. Initial chapters explain the differences between the CISC and RISC designs, and one clearly discusses the RISC design principles. Roughly the second half of the book is dedicated to MIPS assembly language programming, thereby enabling readers to grasp the concepts discussed in the first half. Includes MIPS simulator (SPIM) download instructions, so that readers can get hands-...

Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux

Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux Image
Introduces Linux concepts to programmers who are familiar with other operating systems such as Windows XP Provides comprehensive coverage of the Pentium assembly language. Processor designs can be broadly divided into CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers) and RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computers). The dominant processor in the PC market, Pentium, belongs to the CISC category, and Linux is fast becoming the number one threat to Microsoft Windows in the server market. This unique guidebook provides comprehensive coverage of the key elements of Assembly language programming, specifically targeting professionals and students who would like to learn Assembly and intend or expect to move to the Linux operating system. The book instructs users on how ...

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