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Dmitri Korotkevitch eBooks

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Expert SQL Server in-Memory OLTP

Expert SQL Server in-Memory OLTP Image
Expert SQL Server In-Memory OLTP is a short but deep dive into one of the most significant feature sets to come to SQL Server in many years -- support for in-memory online transaction processing. Dmitri Korotkevitch is the five-star author of Pro SQL Server Internals, and now brings his same combination of clear thinking and deep expertise to the question of how to think about and best use memory-optimized tables and the natively-compiled stored procedures and other objects that were introduced as part of Microsoft's in-memory OLTP technology (code named "Hekaton") in SQL Server 2014. In-memory OLTP presents many opportunities for faster transaction throughput and taking better advantage of modern and powerful hardware in a demanding age in...

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