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EC-Council eBooks

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Network Defense

Perimeter Defense Mechanisms
Network Defense Image
The Network Defense Series from EC-Council | Press is comprised of 5 books designed to educate learners from a vendor-neutral standpoint how to defend the networks they manage. This series covers the fundamental skills in evaluating internal and external threats to network security and design, how to enforce network level security policies, and how to ultimately protect an organization's information. The books in the series cover a broad range of topics from secure network fundamentals, protocols & analysis, standards and policy, hardening infrastructure, to configuring IPS, IDS, firewalls, bastion host and honeypots. Learners completing this series will have a full understanding of defensive measures taken to secure their organization's informat...

Computer Forensics

Investigating Hard Disks, File and Operating Systems
Computer Forensics Image
The Computer Forensic Series by EC-Council provides the knowledge and skills to identify, track, and prosecute the cyber-criminal. The series is comprised of five books covering a broad base of topics in Computer Hacking Forensic Investigation, designed to expose the reader to the process of detecting attacks and collecting evidence in a forensically sound manner with the intent to report crime and prevent future attacks. Learners are introduced to advanced techniques in computer investigation and analysis with interest in generating potential legal evidence. In full, this and the other four books provide preparation to identify evidence in computer related crime and abuse cases as well as track the intrusive hacker's path through a client system. Th...

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