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Ajax eBooks

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ZK Developer's Guide

Developing responsive user interfaces for web applications using Ajax, XUL, and the open source ZK rich web client development framework
ZK Developer's Guide Image
ZK is an open-source web development framework that enables web applications to have the rich user experiences and low development costs that desktop applications have had for years. ZK includes an Ajax-based event-driven engine, rich sets of XML User Interface Language (XUL) and XHTML components, and a markup language. The ZK rich client framework takes the so-called server-centric approach: the content synchronization of components and the event pipelining between clients and servers are automatically done by the engine and Ajax plumbing codes are completely transparent to web application developers. Therefore, the end users get rich user interfaces with similar engaged interactivity and responsiveness to that of desktop applications, while for pro...

Mobile Web Development

Building mobile websites, SMS and MMS messaging, mobile payments, and automated voice call systems with XHTML MP, WCSS, and mobile AJAX
Mobile Web Development Image
Mobile Web Development shows you how to build a mobile presence for your web applications and sites. It covers targeting different mobile web browsers, sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages, accepting mobile payments, and developing voice- and touchtone-response systems. This book is for web developers who want to provide mobile support for their applications. The book assumes some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The reader should also know a server-side language. The examples in the book use PHP, but can be adapted easily to other languages. The book does not use J2ME, focusing instead on using the phone's web browser and other standard features....

Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming

A step-by-step to Google Web Toolkit for creating Ajax applications fast
Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming Image
Each chapter covers a series of practical tasks, showing how to achieve a particular useful result and then learn how it works so that you can apply your knowledge to your own unique situation. Readers will need experience writing non-trivial applications using Java. Experience with developing web interfaces is useful, but knowledge of JavaScript and DHTML is not required GWT takes care of that!...

Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery

Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery Image
This book fills the gap between Drupal 6 modules and theming by showing you how to make use of JavaScript and jQuery to join up server-side modules with your front-end designs. This book is for web designers and developers who want to add JavaScript elements to Drupal themes or modules to create more flexible and responsive user interfaces. You are expected to know about the basic operation of Drupal, and be familiar with the concept of theming and modules in Drupal. No experience of creating themes or modules is required. You will need to know the basics of client-side web development; this means HTML, CSS, but also have a rudimentary grasp of the syntax of JavaScript. Familiarity with PHP programming will be an advantage, since we will be writing P...

Django JavaScript Integration

AJAX and jQuery
Django JavaScript Integration Image
This book will teach you how to enrich your AJAX applications with Django and jQuery in a practical manner with minimum fuss. It introduces AJAX basics, gets a little deeper, and then goes chapter-by-chapter through a carefully chosen case study. It demonstrates how different pieces of a Django AJAX application work in themselves and are put together and specifically leads you through building an intranet employee photo directory with social networking features. This book is for people looking to integrate AJAX / JavaScript functionality into their web applications. It is for Django users who are looking to easily integrate AJAX features into their applications. Conversely, it will also be a priceless companion for users familiar with Django and jQue...

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