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C & C++ Windows Programming eBooks Page 3

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Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus

Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus Image
Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus takes game programmers to the next level of programming, teaching them the latest techniques and tools: DirectX, 3D acceleration, Artificial Intelligence and explains, in detail, 3D algorithms including texture mapping and lighting....

The Standard C Library

The Standard C Library Image
Prentice Hall's most important C programming title in years. A companion volume to Kernighan Ritchie's C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. A collection of reusable functions (code for building data structures, code for performing math functions and scientific calculations, etc.) which will save C programmers time and money especially when working on large programming projects. The C Library is part of the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) for the C Language. This new book contains the complete code for the library. It covers elements of the library with which even the most experienced C programmers are not familiar such as internationalization (the ability to write programs that can adapt to different cultural locales, for example, using the C library...

C++ GUI Programming

With Qt 3
C++ GUI Programming Image
Many companies are facing problems with Windows development using traditional Windows tools such as Visual Studio. When they write applications, even just "single platform" applications for Windows, they often have to account for differences between different Windows versions, which adds hassle to development and maintenance. Qt works no matter the Windows versions. This book provides all the information needed to become a professional Qt developer. The book also covers cross platform GUI programming--programmers can be working on Windows, Linux, or Mac and the book will work for them. This is useful for commercial companies that use Qt, and for companies that are evaluating Qt. It will also be valuable to the vast number of open source dev...

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example

Code and explanation for real-world MFC C++ Applications
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example Image
Visual C++ is an established development language for Windows desktop applications. This book shows you how to develop professional, real-life applications by examining real world examples. It is fast, and used in millions of applications throughout the world. The book is ideal for programmers who have worked with C++ or other Windows-based programming languages. It provides developers with everything they need to build complex desktop applications using C++. If you have already learned the C++ language, and want to take your programming to the next level, then this book is ideal for you....

Writing Apache Modules

With Perl and C
Writing Apache Modules Image
Apache is the most popular web server on the Internet because it is free, reliable, and extensible. The availability of the source code and the modular design of Apache makes it possible to extend web server functionality through the Apache API.For the most part, however, the Apache API has only been available to C programmers, and requires rebuilding the Apache server from source. mod_perl, the popular Apache module used primarily for enhanced CGI performance, changed all that by making the Apache API available to Perl programmers. With mod_perl, it becomes simple to develop Apache modules with Perl and install them without having to rebuild the web server.Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C shows how to extend web server capabilities regardless ...

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