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Professional Windows 8 Programming

Application Development with C# and XAML
Professional Windows 8 Programming Image
It is an exciting time to be a Windows developer. The arrival of Windows 8 is a complete game changer. The operating system and its development platform offer you an entirely new way to create rich, full-featured Windows-based applications. This team of authors takes you on a journey through all of the new development features of the Windows 8 platform specifically how to utilize Visual Studio 2012 and the XAML/C# languages to produce robust apps that are ready for deployment in the new Windows Store.Professional Windows 8 Programming:Learn how to utilize XAML to create rich content driven user interfacesMake use of the new AppBar to create a chrome-less menu systemSee how to support Sensors andGeo-locationon Windows 8 devicesIntegrate your app into ...

Professional iOS Network Programming

Connecting the Enterprise to the iPhone and iPad
Professional iOS Network Programming Image
Learn to develop iPhone and iPad applications for networked enterprise environmentsThe iPhone and iPad have made a powerful impact on the business world. Developers creating iOS apps for the enterprise face unique challenges involving networking, system integration, security, and device management. This Wrox guide provides everything you need to know to write iOS apps that integrate with enterprise network resources, providing options for networking iOS devices to enterprise systems and to each other.Offers a complete compendium of methods and techniques for networked communication between iOS applications and other platforms and devices Includes instruction on incorporating synchronous and asynchronous HTTP requests, security, communication issues, ...

Professional C# 2012 and .NET 4.5

Professional C# 2012 and .NET 4.5 Image
Intermediate to advanced technique coverage, updated for C# 2012 and .NET 4.5This guide is geared towards experienced programmers looking to update and enhance their skills in writing Windows applications, web apps, and Metro apps with C# and .NET 4.5. Packed with information about intermediate and advanced features, this book includes everything professional developers need to know about C# and putting it to work.Covers challenging .NET features including Language Integrated Query (LINQ), LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML, WCF, WPF, Workflow, and Generics Puts the new Async keyword to work and features refreshers on .NET architecture, objects, types, inheritance, arrays, operators, casts, delegates, events, strings, regular expressions, collections, and memo...

Excel VBA Programming

For Dummies
Excel VBA Programming Image
3rd Edition
Take control of your spreadsheets and use VBA to create your own custom Excel applicationsAuthor and Excel guru John Walkenbach, known to his devoted fans as "Mr. Spreadsheet," guides you through taking your Excel skills to the next level by creating your own customized spreadsheet solutions using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). This updated edition of this bestselling book shows you how to use VBA, write macros, customize your Excel apps to look and work the way you want, avoid errors, and more.Introduces you to a wide array of new Excel 2013 options, beginning with the most important tools and operations for the Visual Basic EditorProv...

The Standard C Library

The Standard C Library Image
Prentice Hall's most important C programming title in years. A companion volume to Kernighan Ritchie's C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. A collection of reusable functions (code for building data structures, code for performing math functions and scientific calculations, etc.) which will save C programmers time and money especially when working on large programming projects. The C Library is part of the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) for the C Language. This new book contains the complete code for the library. It covers elements of the library with which even the most experienced C programmers are not familiar such as internationalization (the ability to write programs that can adapt to different cultural locales, for example, using the C library...

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