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Beginning Windows 8 Application Development

XAML Edition
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Beginning Windows 8 Application Development XAML Edition introduces you to the Windows 8 modern app design paradigm and the new Windows 8 programming model developed around this paradigm. You'll learn to build rich, immersive applications designed to run on the many devices that will be powered by Windows 8. With the introduction of Windows 8, once again Microsoft has re-envisioned the way that PCs and devices will be used and applications will be built in a world that has become far more connected. The Windows 8 modern UI style is far more than a programming model and Beginning Windows 8 Application Development XAML Edition takes you beyond the syntax of any development language. We examine the factors such as UX (User Experience), social ...

Exceptional C++ Style

40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems and Solutions
Exceptional C++ Style Image
Software "style" is about finding the perfect balance between overhead and functionality... elegance and maintainability... flexibility and excess. In Exceptional C++ Style , legendary C++ guru Herb Sutter presents 40 new programming scenarios designed to analyze not only the what but the why and help you find just the right balance in your software. Organized around practical problems and solutions, this book offers new insight into crucial C++ details and interrelationships, and new strategies for today's key C++ programming techniques--including generic programming, STL, exception safety, and more. You'll find answers to questions like: What can you learn about library design from the STL itself? How do you avoid making templated code...

Exceptional C++

47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems and Solutions
Exceptional C++ Image
Exceptional C++ shows by example how to go about sound software engineering in standard C++. Do you enjoy solving thorny C++ problems and puzzles? Do you relish writing robust and extensible code? Then take a few minutes and challenge yourself with some tough C++ design and programming problems. The puzzles and problems in Exceptional C++ not only entertain, they will help you hone your skills to become the sharpest C++ programmer you can be. Many of these problems are culled from the famous Guru of the Week feature of the Internet newsgroup comp.lang.c++.moderated, expanded and updated to conform to the official ISO/ANSI C++ Standard. Each problem is rated according to difficulty and is designed to illustrate subtle programming mistakes or design co...

Essential Windows Communication Foundation

For .NET Framework 3.5
Essential Windows Communication Foundation Image
'Whether this is the first time or the fifty-first time you're using WCF, you'll learn something new by reading this book.' --Nicholas Allen, Program Manager, Web Services, Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is the easiest way to produce and consume Web services on the Microsoft platform. With .NET 3.5, WCF has been extensively revamped--and Visual Studio 2008 gives developers powerful new tools for utilizing it. Essential Windows Communication Foundation shows developers exactly how to make the most of WCF with .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. Drawing on extensive experience working with early adopters, three Microsoft insiders systematically address the topics developers ask about WCF. The authors approach each subject with practic...

Essential C++

Essential C++ Image
Essential C++ offers a fast-track to learning and working with C++. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. It focuses on the elements of C++ programming that you are most likely to encounter and examines features and techniques that help solve real-world programming challenges. Essential C++ presents the basics of C++ in the context of procedural, generic, object-based, and object-oriented programming. It is organized around a series of increasingly complex programming problems, and language features are introduced as solutions to these problems. In this way you will not only learn about the functions and structure of C++, but will understand their purpose and rationale....

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