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Digital Image Processing eBooks

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Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing Image
This book offers an integral view of image processing from image acquisition to the extraction of the data of interest. The discussion of the general concepts is supplemented with examples from applications on PC-based image processing systems and ready-to-use implementations of important algorithms. The fifth edition has been completely revised and extended. The most notable extensions include a detailed discussion on random variables and fields, 3-D imaging techniques and a unified approach to regularized parameter estimation. The complete.text of the book is now available on the accompanying CD-ROM. It is hyperlinked so that it can be used in a very flexible way. The CD-ROM contains a full set of exercises to all topics covered by this book and a ...

The Adobe Photoshop CS6 Book

For Digital Photographers
The Adobe Photoshop CS6 Book Image
ARE YOU READY FOR AN AMAZING NEW VERSION OF THE PHOTOSHOP BOOK THAT BREAKS ALL THE RULES? Scott Kelby, Editor and Publisher of Photoshop User magazineand the best-selling Photoshop author in the world todayonce again takes this book to a whole new level as he uncovers more of the latest, most important, and most useful Adobe Photoshop CS6 techniques for digital photographers. This major update to his award-winning, record-breaking book does something for digital photographers that's never been done beforeit cuts through the bull and shows you exactly 'how to do it.' It's not a bunch of theory; it doesn't challenge you to come up with your own settings or figure it out on your own. Instead, Scott shows you step by step the exact techniques used by tod...

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