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Human Vision & Language Systems eBooks

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Introduction to Pattern Recognition

Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches
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An introduction to pattern recognition, this text is meant for students in computer science and related fields in science and technology. Algorithms and real world applications accompany most of the topics in the text. In addition to statistical and structural approaches, novel topics such as fuzzy pattern recognition and pattern recognition via neural networks are also reviewed. Each topic is followed by several examples solved in detail....

Taming Text

How to Find, Organize, and Manipulate It
Taming Text Image
SummaryTaming Text is a hands-on, example-driven guide to working with unstructured text in the context of real-world applications. This book explores how to automatically organize text using approaches such as full-text search, proper name recognition, clustering, tagging, information extraction, and summarization. The book guides you through examples illustrating each of these topics, as well as the foundations upon which they are built.About this Book There is so much text in our lives, we are practically drowning in it. Fortunately, there are innovative tools and techniques for managing unstructured information that can throw the smart developer a much-needed lifeline. You'll find them in this book.Taming Text is a practical, example-driven guide...

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