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JasperReports eBooks

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JasperReports for Java Developers

Create, Design, Format and Export Reports with the world's most popular Java reporting library
JasperReports for Java Developers Image
Concise, practical guidance introduces you to JasperReports, and gets you creating complex and elegant reports. This book is for Java developers who want to create rich reports for either the web or print, and want to get started quickly with JasperReports to do this. No knowledge of JasperReports is presumed, although obviously familiarity with Java, SQL, and XML are assumed where they are required....

JasperReports 3.6 Development Cookbook

JasperReports 3.6 Development Cookbook Image
Over 50 recipes to create next-generation reports using JasperReports Overview Create, size, and position the titles, headers, footers, and body of your report using JasperReports and iReport Enhance the look and feel of your report using background images, watermarks, and other such features Create multi-page and multi-column reports using multiple types of data in the same report Generate reports from Java Swing applications or from your web application Part of Packt's Cookbook series: Each recipe is a carefully organized sequence of instructions to complete the task as efficiently as possible. In Detail JasperReports is the world's most popular embeddable Java open source reporting library, providing Java developers with the power to easily create...

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