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Learning jQuery 1.3

Learning jQuery 1.3 Image
Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques An introduction to jQuery that requires minimal programming experience Detailed solutions to specific client-side problems For web designers to create interactive elements for their designs For developers to create the best user interface for their web applications Packed with great examples, code, and clear explanations Revised and updated version of the first book to help you learn jQuery In Detail To build interesting, interactive sites, developers are turning to JavaScript libraries such as jQuery to automate common tasks and simplify complicated ones. Because many web developers have more experience with HTML and CSS than with JavaScript, the library's design lends i...

Joomla 1.5 JavaScript jQuery

Joomla 1.5 JavaScript jQuery Image
This book is a tutorial with step-by-step instructions, packed with practical code examples, images, advice, and ideas. If you are a PHP developer who is working with Joomla!, this book is for you. It is also aimed at web designers who want to add JavaScript elements, using jQuery, to their Joomla! sites, themes, modules, and other extensions. A basic knowledge of web development and Joomal! is required. Some knowledge of JavaScript would certainly be a bonus. No knowledge of jQuery is required....

JQuery UI Themes Beginner's Guide

JQuery UI Themes Beginner's Guide Image
Create new themes for your JQuery site with this step-by-step guide Overview Learn the details of the jQuery UI theme framework by example No prior knowledge of jQuery UI or theming frameworks is necessary The CSS structure is explained in an easy-to-understand and approachable way Numerous examples, no unnecessary long explanations, lots of screenshots and diagrams In Detail Web applications today generally use at least some JavaScript to enhance the look and feel of the user interface. The jQuery UI toolkit gives web developers a set of widgets as well as a framework for developing and applying themes. jQuery UI Themes: Beginner's Guide is for web developers who want to design professional-looking applications that are resilient to change. It is ...

jQuery UI 1.6

The User Interface Library for jQuery
jQuery UI 1.6 Image
Create powerful front-end interfaces for your web applications with jQuery UI. This book is for front-end designers and developers that need to quickly learn how to use the jQuery UI User Interface Library. To get the most out of this book you should have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and will need to be comfortable using jQuery, the underlying foundation of jQuery UI....

jQuery Reference Guide

A Comprehensive Exploration of the Popular JavaScript Library
jQuery Reference Guide Image
In this book, the creators of the popular jQuery learning resource, learningquery.com, share their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to bring you a comprehensive reference to the popular JavaScript library. This book is for web developers who want a broad, organized view of all the jQuery library has to offer or a quick reference on their desks to refer to for particular details. The reader needs the basics of HTML and CSS, and should be comfortable with the syntax of JavaScript, but no knowledge of jQuery is assumed. This is not an introductory title and if you are looking to get started with jQuery (or JavaScript libraries in general) then you are looking for Learning jQuery....

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