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Using The Oracle Oradebug Utility

Debugging Oracle Applications
Using The Oracle Oradebug Utility Image
Invoking Oradebug Using Debug Monitoring the Current Session With the oradebug setmypid Using DUMP Commands not requiring SPID to be set Using Oradebug for System Hangs: Getting a PROCESSTATE DUMP Getting a ERRORSTACKS DUMP Using ORADEBUG to Trace A Sessions SQL How to Find the Right PID for oradebug setospid Tracing Errors Using ORADEBUG Using ORADEBUG to Find Semaphore and Memory Segments Finding Parallel SQL Processes Using ORADEBUG Tracking down ORA-04030 errors Using Oradebug to Debug Spinning Processes Oracle IDLM and ORADEBUG How to determine the Events Set in a System Using ORADEBUG to Release DDL locks How to Trace Trigger Actions Using Oradebug Checking on Temporary Segment Usage with Oradebug Suspending a process...

Let Us C

Let Us C Image
5th Edition
Considered to be one of the best-selling programming books ever written, the eighth edition has now been edited, revised, and updated. A CD-ROM with demos, code, compiler, executables, and MATLAB examples has been added to the book. Simplicity and an easy narration style are the hallmarks of the book, which have made its previous seven editions immensely successful. Today s C programmer (still the language of choice in science, engineering, game programming and for handheld devices) has to master the complexities of the language and contend with its usage in environments like Windows, Linux, and for the Internet. Let Us C, Eighth Edition covers these t...

GDI+ Application Custom Controls with Visual C# 2005

A fast-paced example-driven tutorial to building custom controls using Visual C# 2005 Express Edition and .NET 2.0
GDI+ Application Custom Controls with Visual C# 2005 Image
If you want to build custom controls with C# but you don't know where to start, or you are intimidated by the huge amount of information that needs to be absorbed, then this book is for you. This friendly tutorial is based on numerous examples with real-world applicability, and includes a case study featuring the development of a fully functional PieChart control. Showing you how to use the free Visual C# 2005 Express Edition environment to develop your controls, GDI+ Custom Controls with Visual C# 2005 will teach you how to create professional, reusable custom controls for your desktop applications in no time. This book has been written with the intermediate C# developer in mind. Assuming a working knowledge of C#, the book teaches you how to implem...

How to Think About Algorithms

How to Think About Algorithms Image
There are many algorithm texts that provide lots of well-polished code and proofs of correctness. This book is not one of them. Instead, this book presents insights, notations, and analogies to help the novice describe and think about algorithms like an expert. By looking at both the big picture and easy step-by-step methods for developing algorithms, the author helps students avoid the common pitfalls. He stresses paradigms such as loop invariants and recursion to unify a huge range of algorithms into a few meta-algorithms. Part of the goal is to teach the students to think abstractly. Without getting bogged with formal proofs, the book fosters a deeper understanding of how and why each algorithm works. These insights are presented in a slow and cle...


Programmer's Reference
XSLT Image
2nd Edition
This compact, relevant, updated version reflects recent changes in the XSLT specification and developments in XSLT parsers. The material on tools and implementations has been revised; so too have all the examples. It also includes a new chapter on writing extension functions. XML has firmly established itself as the universal standard for managing data for the web and is now being implemented on a wide scale. XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language), a vital companion to XML, is used for two main purposes: to format or style XML data so that it can be displayed in a browser and to transform XML data (XSLT). When you transform an XML document, you manipulat...

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