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Node Web Development

Node Web Development Image
A practical introduction to Node, the exciting new server-side JavaScript web development stack Go from nothing to a database-backed web application in no time at all Get started quickly with Node and discover that JavaScript is not just for browsers anymore An introduction to server-side JavaScript with Node, the Connect and Express frameworks, and using SQL or MongoDB database back-end In Detail Node is an exciting new technology stack that brings JavaScript to the server-side of web applications for the first time. Node means that JavaScript is no longer just for browsers. It's for web application development, it's for developing any internet protocol, it's for the real-time web, it's for command line scripts, and much more. Node Web Development...

Liferay Beginner's Guide

Liferay Beginner's Guide Image
Quick and easy techniques to build, deploy, and maintain your own Liferay portal Detailed steps for installing Liferay portal and getting it running, for people with no prior experience of building portals Follow the example of building a neighbourhood site with pre-installed portlets and custom portlets Create your own communities, organizations and user groups, and learn how to add users to them In Detail Liferay portal is a leading horizontal portal product, written in Java. It has the power to provide the intranets and extranets of large corporations. Liferay will allow you to build your company's portal quickly, efficiently, and in a custom way to suit the needs of your corporation. Liferay Beginner's Guide will show you how to set up your own...

jQuery Mobile First Look

jQuery Mobile First Look Image
The jQuery Mobile First Look is a perfect reference to keep on your desk for finding out the capabilities of the jQuery Mobile framework and how you can put it to good use. This book will show you how to enjoy your programming by letting a simple yet effective JavaScript library handle the hassles you would encounter otherwise. It will quickly take you through the entire framework and cover every level of specification you need to know to kick-start your mobile web development. This is a First Look book that allows existing jQuery users to get a look at the features of jQuery mobile. It is targeted at jQuery users who want to enter the exciting world of mobile web development. All you need is the basics of jQuery and an interest to get involved with ...

Ext JS 4 First Look

Ext JS 4 First Look Image
A practical guide including examples of the new features in Ext JS 4 and tips to migrate from Ext JS 3. Migrate your Ext JS 3 applications easily to Ext JS 4 based on the examples presented in this guide Full of diagrams, illustrations, and step-by-step instructions to develop real word applications Driven by examples and explanations of how things work In Detail Ext JS 4 is a JavaScript framework that provides resources to build Rich Internet Applications with great performance. Ext JS 4 has been packed with many new features and it is difficult to master, even for seasoned experts in Ext JS 3. Ext JS 4 First Look teaches you the main functional areas of Ext JS 4 that have significant new features, explains the new features and how to use them, wh...

Building Websites with XOOPS

A step-by-step tutorial
Building Websites with XOOPS Image
XOOPS is a popular PHP CMS whose object-oriented approach makes creating dynamic and modular websites simple. This book is an easy-to-read, introductory guide to XOOPS, providing many practical examples, and is a rapid first step to mastering this powerful tool. This book is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, and marketing professionals who want develop a fully featured web presence in a simple and straightforward process using XOOPS. It does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development, and any IT confident individual will be able to use the book to produce an impressive web site....

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