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.NET Gotchas

.NET Gotchas Image
Like most complex tasks, .NET programming is fraught with potential costly, and time-consuming hazards. The millions of Microsoft developers worldwide who create applications for the .NET platform can attest to that. Thankfully there's now a book that shows you how to avoid such costly and time-consuming mistakes. It's called .NET Gotchas.The ultimate guide for efficient, pain-free coding, .NET Gotchas from O'Reilly contains 75 common .NET programming pitfalls--and advice on how to work around them. It will help you steer away from those mistakes that cause application performance problems, or so taint code that it just doesn't work right.The book is organized into nine chapters, each focusing on those features and constructs of the .NET platform tha...

.NET Framework Essentials

.NET Framework Essentials Image
2nd Edition
Fully updated for Microsoft's official release, .NET Framework Essentials, 2nd Edition is an objective, concise, and technical overview of the new Microsoft .NET Framework for developing web applications and services.Specifically written for intermediate to advanced VB, C/C++, Java, and Delphi developers, .NET Framework Essentials, 2nd Edition is also useful to system architects and leaders who are assessing tools for future projects. The authors devote special attention to the writing of .NET components plus web applications and services.This book takes on all of the most important .NET Framework topics--from the underlying Common Language Runtime (CL...

ASP.NET in a Nutshell

ASP.NET in a Nutshell Image
2nd Edition
ASP.NET in a Nutshell is a concise, one-volume reference to everything you need to make effective use of ASP.NET. An invaluable resource that goes beyond the published documentation to highlight little-known details, stress practical uses for particular features, and provide real-world examples that show how features can be used in a working application, ASP.NET in a Nutshell is the definitive guide for developers of both applications and web services.Updated for Visual Studio .NET 2003, the 2nd edition of this book includes fresh information on application and web service development, custom controls, data access, security, deployment, and error handl...

Ajax on Java

Ajax on Java Image
This practical guide shows you how to make your Java web applications more responsive and dynamic by incorporating new Ajaxian features, including suggestion lists, drag-and-drop, and more. Java developers can choose between many different ways of incorporating Ajax, from building JavaScript into your applications "by hand" to using the new Google Web Toolkit (GWT).Ajax on Java starts with an introduction to Ajax, showing you how to write some basic applications that use client-side JavaScript to request information from a Java servlet and display it without doing a full page reload. It also presents several strategies for communicating between the client and the server, including sending raw data, and using XML or JSON (JavaScript Object N...

Ajax Design Patterns

Ajax Design Patterns Image
Ajax, or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, exploded onto the scene in the spring of 2005 and remains the hottest story among web developers. With its rich combination of technologies, Ajax provides a strong foundation for creating interactive web applications with XML or JSON-based web services by using JavaScript in the browser to process the web server response.Ajax Design Patterns shows you best practices that can dramatically improve your web development projects. It investigates how others have successfully dealt with conflicting design principles in the past and then relays that information directly to you.The patterns outlined in the book fall into four categories: Foundational technology: Examines the raw technologies required for Ajax develop...

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