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Programming Languages eBooks Page 21

Download free Programming Languages eBooks Page 21

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming Image
Object-Oriented Programming: From Problem Solving to Java provides a thorough, easy-to-follow reference to master object-oriented programming principles. Throughout the text, problem solving and programming techniques are presented in modeling diagrams, pseudo-code, and flowcharts. Users then learn how to put theory into practice using actual Java code. Unlike "cookbook" guides where users blindly follow the instructions this book encourages users to explore their problem solving creativity, and then test their ideas in a real-world environment. By first learning the concepts involved in object-oriented programming, and then learning how to put them into use, readers not only learn Java, but they also learn how to become more efficient prog...

Algorithmic Information Theory

Algorithmic Information Theory Image
Chaitin, the inventor of algorithmic information theory, presents in this book the strongest possible version of Gdel's incompleteness theorem, using an information theoretic approach based on the size of computer programs. One half of the book is concerned with studying the halting probability of a universal computer if its program is chosen by tossing a coin. The other half is concerned with encoding the halting probability as an algebraic equation in integers, a so-called exponential diophantine equation....

Advanced Data Structures

Advanced Data Structures Image
Advanced Data Structures presents a comprehensive look at the ideas, analysis, and implementation details of data structures as a specialized topic in applied algorithms. Data structures are how data is stored within a computer, and how one can go about searching for data within. This text examines efficient ways to search and update sets of numbers, intervals, or strings by various data structures, such as search trees, structures for sets of intervals or piece-wise constant functions, orthogonal range search structures, heaps, union-find structures, dynamization and persistence of structures, structures for strings, and hash tables. This is the first volume to show data structures as a crucial algorithmic topic, rather than relegating them as trivi...

Software Design Methodology

From Principles to Architectural Styles
Software Design Methodology Image
Software design methodology has come a long way since the 1960s and 1970s when programmers were limited to Pascal/C and SA/SD to create systems. When creating information systems for today's world, many factors must be taken into consideration including globalization, the software lifecycle, modeling, coding, testing, and maintenance. * In depth coverage of large scale software systems and the handling of their design problems* Many worked examples, exercises and case studies to reinforce theory and practice* Gain an understanding of the general theory of design methodology...

A Designer's Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML

Harness the Power of XML to Automate your Print and Web Workflows
A Designer's Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML Image
Is this book for programmers? Written specifically for graphic designers and production artists already comfortable working with Adobe InDesign, this book teaches you how to automate publishing without learning a lot of scary code. XML simplifies the process of moving content in and out of your layouts and can speed up any print or Web assignment. Why should I care about XML? If you're managing data-intensive layout projects, and you want to keep that data consistent, accurate, and up-to-date, then incorporating XML can help. You can also use XML to automate processes like importing text and large numbers of graphics into a layout, or repurposing content from one application to another. Do I need additional plug-ins or special software? You need onl...

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