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The Art of Community

Building the New Age of Participation
The Art of Community Image
2nd Edition
Online communities provide a wide range of opportunities for supporting a cause, marketing a product or service, or building open source software. The Art of Community helps you recruit members, motivate them, and manage them as active participants. Author Jono Bacon offers experiences and observations from his 14-year effort to build and manage communities, including his current position as manager for Ubuntu.Discover how your community can become a reliable support network, a valuable source of new ideas, and a powerful marketing force. This expanded edition shows you how to keep community projects on track, make use of social media, and organize col...

Crystal Reports 9

The Complete Reference
Crystal Reports 9 Image
Create winning presentations and reports using the most powerful data analysis tool and this comprehensive guide. This book explains how to use the software to analyze and format data, generate reports, perform advanced interactive reporting from the Web, and much more, making it the ultimate one-stop Crystal Reports resource....

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