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The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science

Cost-Effective Large Scale Software Development
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A groundbreaking, unifying theory of computer science for low-cost, high-quality softwareThe Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science represents the culmination of more than thirty years of the author's hands-on experience in software development, which has resulted in a remarkable and sensible philosophy and practice of software development. It provides a groundbreaking ontology of computer science, while describing the processes, methodologies, and constructs needed to build high-quality, large-scale computer software systems on schedule and on budget.Based on his own experience in developing successful, low-cost software projects, the author makes a persuasive argument for developers to understand the philosophical underpinnings of software. He asse...

The Art of Software Testing

The Art of Software Testing Image
2nd Edition
This long-awaited revision of a bestseller provides a practical discussion of the nature and aims of software testing. You'll find the latest methodologies for the design of effective test cases, including information on psychological and economic principles, managerial aspects, test tools, high-order testing, code inspections, and debugging. Accessible, comprehensive, and always practical, this edition provides the key information you need to test successfully, whether a novice or a working programmer. Buy your copy today and end up with fewer bugs tomorrow....

Systems Analysis and Design with UML

Systems Analysis and Design with UML Image
3rd Edition
You can't truly understand Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) by only reading about it; you have to do it. In Systems Analysis and Design, Third Edition, Dennis, Wixom, and Roth offer a hands-on approach to actually doing SAD. Building on their experience as professional systems analysts and award-winning teachers, these three authors capture the experience of actually developing and analyzing systems. They focus on the core set of skills that all analysts must possessfrom gathering requirements and modeling business needs, to creating blueprints for how the system should be built....

Software Testing and Quality Assurance

Theory and Practice
Software Testing and Quality Assurance Image
A superior primer on software testing and quality assurance, from integration to execution and automationThis important new work fills the pressing need for a user-friendly text that aims to provide software engineers, software quality professionals, software developers, and students with the fundamental developments in testing theory and common testing practices.Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory and Practice equips readers with a solid understanding of:Practices that support the production of quality softwareSoftware testing techniquesLife-cycle models for requirements, defects, test cases, and test resultsProcess models for units, integration, system, and acceptance testingHow to build test teams, including recruiting and retaining tes...

Software Measurement and Estimation

A Practical Approach
Software Measurement and Estimation Image
An effective, quantitative approach for estimating and managing software projectsHow many people do I need? When will the quality be good enough for commercial sale? Can this really be done in two weeks? Rather than relying on instinct, the authors of Software Measurement and Estimation offer a new, tested approach that includes the quantitative tools, data, and knowledge needed to make sound estimations.The text begins with the foundations of measurement, identifies the appropriate metrics, and then focuses on techniques and tools for estimating the effort needed to reach a given level of quality and performance for a software project. All the factors that impact estimations are thoroughly examined, giving you the tools needed to regularly adjust an...

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