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USB Complete

Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals
USB Complete Image
2nd Edition
Demonstrates how the USB communicates with the PC, how to decide if a project should use a USB interface, and how to choose a USB controller chip for peripheral design. This guide takes the pain out of designing for this popular interface with specific, detailed examples that show how to develop USB devices and the applications that communicate with them. How the USB communicates with the PC, deciding if a project should use a USB interface, choosing a USB controller chip for peripheral design, and determining code with Windows applications are covered in detail....

Serial Port Complete

COM Ports, USB Virtual COM Ports, and Ports for Embedded Systems
Serial Port Complete Image
2nd Edition
PC COM ports, USB virtual COM ports, and ports in embedded systems are all addressed in this updated guide to programming, interfacing, and using serial ports. Topics include using .NET's SerialPort class for COM-port communications on PCs; upgrading existing RS-232 designs to USB or wireless networks; and creating serial networks of embedded systems and PCs. Example circuits and code provide a quick start to projects. Installation and maintenance staff will also find tips for ensuring reliable operation and problem tracking....

Bootstrap Yourself with Linux-USB Stack

Design, Develop, Debug, and Validate Embedded USB Systems
Bootstrap Yourself with Linux-USB Stack Image
Learn to design, develop, and validate USB systems with ease, using this valuable resource that provides a detailed bootstrap session on the Linux-USB design and implementation. BOOTSTRAP YOURSELF WITH LINUX-USB STACK offers a tour of the Linux-USB stack, explaining how to develop drivers for USB device and host controllers on Linux. It moves on to explore the interfaces and data structures of a USB module with UML diagrams, concluding each chapter with a sample implementation that applies the information just covered. A comprehensive look at the various tools and methods available on Linux to validate a USB system is also provided. Using a straightforward writing style, this book is a powerful tool for anyone learning to develop a protocol stack wit...

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