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VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming

VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming Image
A step-by-step guide for brand-new Office developers who want to explore programming with VSTO. This book contains complete step-by-step instructions and simple explanations about VSTO programming of entire Office applications. It covers the concepts of VSTO, VSTO architecture, its features, and versions using practical examples, to help beginners and intermediate developers develop real-world Office applications. Separate chapters cover programming InfoPath, Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. This book is aimed at .NET developers, familiar with C#, who want to get to grips with programming Office 2007. The book will also be useful for those of you who already have experience with VBA and programming Office, but are ready to take the next step int...

TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management

Leaders of the TYPO3 community guide you thorough this powerful, enterprise-level, open source content management system
TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management Image
TYPO3 is a popular, free, feature-rich open source content management system. It has the flexibility and scalability to more than match commercial systems and allow you to build a powerful and complex website. This book is the guide for all users of this powerful application. Written by experts and members of the core development team of TYPO3, this book is all you need to build, customize, and deploy TYPO3 websites. This book is aimed at both new and experienced users of TYPO3. Users, administrators, and developers of TYPO3 will all benefit from this comprehensive and authoritative guide....

Spring 2.5 Aspect Oriented Programming

Spring 2.5 Aspect Oriented Programming Image
Develop real-world applications using the AOP features of the Spring framework. If you are a Java software architect, engineer, or developer and want to be able to write applications in a more modular and concise way by using Spring, then you need this book. Readers need basic knowledge of Spring and its configuration....

Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server

Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server Image
The book takes a tutorial approach with fully working examples. It will show you how to implement a Solr-based search engine on your intranet or web site. This book is for developers who would like to use Solr for their applications. You only need to have basic programming skills to use Solr. Knowledge of Lucene is certainly a bonus....

Smarty PHP Template Programming And Applications

Smarty PHP Template Programming And Applications Image
Smarty is a templating engine for PHP. Designers who are used to working with HTML files can work with Smarty templates, which are HTML files with simple tags while programmers work with the underlying PHP code. The Smarty engine brings the code and templates together. The result of all this is that designers can concentrate on designing, programmers can concentrate on programming, and they don't need to get in each others way so much. Even if you are developing a site on your own, Smarty is a powerful way to make your code clearer to you and others, as well as easier to debug and modify later. This book is written for PHP developers who want to use Smarty templates in their development, and for designers who are working with PHP developers who are u...

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