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Security for Service Oriented Architectures

Security for Service Oriented Architectures Image
Although integrating security into the design of applications has proven to deliver resilient products, there are few books available that provide guidance on how to incorporate security into the design of an application. Filling this need, Security for Service Oriented Architectures examines both application and security architectures and illustrates the relationship between the two. Supplying authoritative guidance on how to design distributed and resilient applications, the book provides an overview of the various standards that service oriented and distributed applications leverage, including SOAP, HTML 5, SAML, XML Encryption, XML Signature, WS-Security, and WS-SecureConversation. It examines emerging issues of privacy and discusses how to desig...

Anonymous Communication Networks

Protecting Privacy on the Web
Anonymous Communication Networks Image
In todays interactive network environment, where various types of organizations are eager to monitor and track Internet use, anonymity is one of the most powerful resources available to counterbalance the threat of unknown spectators and to ensure Internet privacy.Addressing the demand for authoritative information on anonymous Internet usage, Anonymous Communication Networks: Protecting Privacy on the Web examines anonymous communication networks as a solution to Internet privacy concerns. It explains how anonymous communication networks make it possible for participants to communicate with each other without revealing their identities.The book explores various anonymous communication networks as possible solutions to Internet privacy concerns - mak...

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide Image
Requiring no prior hacking experience, Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide supplies a complete introduction to the steps required to complete a penetration test, or ethical hack, from beginning to end. You will learn how to properly utilize and interpret the results of modern-day hacking tools, which are required to complete a penetration test. The book covers a wide range of tools, including Backtrack Linux, Google reconnaissance, MetaGooFil, dig, Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit, Fast Track Autopwn, Netcat, and Hacker Defender rootkit. Supplying a simple and clean explanation of how to effectively utilize these tools, it details a four-step methodology for conducting an effective penetration test or hack.Providing an accessible introduction to pe...

Prestressed Concrete

Designer's Handbook
Prestressed Concrete Image
3rd Edition
The third edition of this authoritative handbook provides the structural designer with comprehensive guidance on prestressed concrete and its effective use, covering materials, behaviour, analysis and design of prestressed elements. It includes numerous examples, design charts and details of post-tensioning systems....

Design of Prestressed Concrete

Design of Prestressed Concrete Image
The design of structures in general, and prestressed concrete structures in particular, requires considerably more information than is contained in building codes. A sound understanding structural behaviour at all stages of loading is essential. The aim of this book is to present a detailed description and explanation of the behaviour of prestressed concrete members and structures both at service loads and at ultimate loads and, in doing so, provide a comprehensive guide to design. The design criteria and procedures contained in several major building codes, including ACI 318-83, BS 8110:1985, and AS 3600-1988, are also presented. Each aspect of the analysis and design of fully-prestressed and partially-prestressed concrete members is approached from...

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