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Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments

Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments Image
The heart of any system that simulates the physical interaction between objects is collision detection-the ability to detect when two objects have come into contact. This system is also one of the most difficult aspects of a physical simulation to implement correctly, and invariably it is the main consumer of CPU cycles. Practitioners, new to the field or otherwise, quickly discover that the attempt to build a fast, accurate, and robust collision detection system takes them down a long path fraught with perils and pitfalls unlike most they have ever encountered. Without in-depth knowledge and understanding of the issues associated with engineering a collision detection system, the end of that path is an abyss that has swallowed many a good programmer...

Bluetooth Application Programming with the Java APIs

Essentials Edition
Bluetooth Application Programming with the Java APIs Image
Adoption of Bluetooth wireless technology has become ubiquitous in the last few years. One of the biggest steps forward is the standardization of Java APIs for Bluetooth wireless technology (JABWT). The latest updates to this standard is explained in detail in this book. The JABWT standard, defined by the JSR-82 Java Specification Request, supports rapid development of Bluetooth applications that are portable, secure, and highly-usable. Wireless device manufacturers have responded overwhelmingly to the JABWT specification by implementing JABWT applications in mobile phones and other personal wireless communications products. "Bluetooth Application Programming Essentials: Programming with the Java APIs" explains in detail how to write Blueto...

Artificial Intelligence for Games

Artificial Intelligence for Games Image
Creating robust artificial intelligence is one of the greatest challenges for game developers. The commercial success of a game is often dependent upon the quality of the AI, yet the engineering of AI is often begun late in the development process and is frequently misunderstood. In this book, Ian Millington brings extensive professional experience to the problem of improving the quality of AI in games. A game developer since 1987, he was founder of Mindlathe Ltd., at the time the largest specialist AI company in gaming. Ian shows how to think about AI as an integral part of game play. He describes numerous examples from real games and explores the underlying ideas through detailed case studies. He goes further to introduce many techniques little u...

Architecture Design for Soft Errors

Architecture Design for Soft Errors Image
This book provides a comprehensive description of the architetural techniques to tackle the soft error problem. It covers the new methodologies for quantitative analysis of soft errors as well as novel, cost-effective architectural techniques to mitigate them. To provide readers with a better grasp of the broader problem deffinition and solution space, this book also delves into the physics of soft errors and reviews current circuit and software mitigation techniques. TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Device- and Circuit-Level Modeling, Measurement, and Mitigation Chapter 3: Architectural Vulnerability Analysis Chapter 4: Advanced Architectural Vulnerability Analysis Chapter 5: Error Coding Techniques Chapter 6: Fault Detection via...

Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL

Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL Image
Today truly useful and interactive graphics are available on affordable computers. While hardware progress has been impressive, widespread gains in software expertise have come more slowly. Information about advanced techniques-beyond those learned in introductory computer graphics texts-is not as easy to come by as inexpensive hardware. This book brings the graphics programmer beyond the basics and introduces them to advanced knowledge that is hard to obtain outside of an intensive CG work environment. The book is about graphics techniques-those that don't require esoteric hardware or custom graphics libraries-that are written in a comprehensive style and do useful things. It covers graphics that are not covered well in your old graphics textbook. B...

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