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Murach's Android Programming

Murach's Android Programming Image
This book teaches anyone with a basic understanding of Java how to develop Android apps at a professional level.To start, it shows how to use the Eclipse IDE to code, test, and debug a Tip Calculator app for a smartphone or tablet. Then, it expands upon this app to show must-have Android skills such as working with layouts, widgets, events, themes, styles, menus, preferences, and fragments. Next, this book presents two more apps that illustrate Android skills you'll use every day, such as working with threads, files, adapters, intents, services, notifications, broadcast receivers, SQLite databases, content providers, and app widgets. Finally, this book presents an app that uses the Google Maps API and shows you how to submit your finished apps to the...

Murach's Java Servlets and JSP

Murach's Java Servlets and JSP Image
2nd Edition
This new edition of Murach's Java Servlets and JSP makes it easier than ever for Java developers to master web programming. It starts by showing how to install and use Tomcat as a web server and NetBeans as an IDE. Then, it teaches how and when to use JavaServer Pages and Java servlets to build well-structured web applications that implement the MVC pattern. Next, it shows how to use sessions, cookies, JavaBeans, Expression Language (EL), the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and custom tags. Then, it shows how to use JDBC and connection pooling to work with a MySQL database. Finally, it shows how to use JavaMail, SSL/TLS, authentication, listeners, and...

Murach's C# 2008

Murach's C# 2008 Image
This is the .NET 3.5 edition of Murach's best-selling C# book on Windows Forms development. Here's what developers have said about earlier editions: I have to tell you that your C# book is far and away the best resource I have seen to date. It really does do what the learner needs. It is simple, straightforward, presents logical examples, and the two-page format is the best.With this book, I have quickly moved from being intimidated by C# to making it my language of choice, The fact that this process took me only 3 days should speak volumes about how effective this book is.I am actually flying through the C# 2005 book! And a lot of the topics I had problems with in the past are now making perfect sense.What makes this book so effective? Here are seve...

Murach's JavaScript and DOM Scripting

Murach's JavaScript and DOM Scripting Image
If you want to learn JavaScript, our first recommendation is Murach's JavaScript and jQuery. It teaches you enough about JavaScript to get the most from jQuery, which is the JavaScript library that most professionals use. It also shows you how to use jQuery UI for widgets and interactions and how to use jQuery Mobile to build mobile web sites.Of course, there's a lot more to JavaScript than using it with jQuery. So if you want to learn more about JavaScript, Murach's JavaScript and DOM Scripting is the book for you. Its first 12 chapters show you how to use all aspects of the JavaScript language, including how to use all of the methods for numbers, strings and dates; how create and use your own functions and objects; how to use regular expressions an...

Murach's PHP and MySQL

Murach's PHP and MySQL Image
This book was developed by the same team that authored Murach's JavaScript and DOM Scripting, and it has the same strong content organization that lets you focus on what you need to know, when you need to know it.So it's a great first book in web programming if you're just starting out:It shows you how to get an Apache web server environment set up, so you can test the apps on your computerIt gives you a quick-start course that shows you how to develop, test, and debug PHP applications that get data from a MySQL database...in just 6 chaptersThen, whether you're a beginning or experienced web developer, the rest of the book gives you a full set of professional PHP and MySQL skills:The 9-chapter section on PHP teaches you how to build web applications ...

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