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Oxford University eBooks Page 3

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Introduction to Quantum Information Science

Introduction to Quantum Information Science Image
This book offers a concise and up-to-date introduction to the popular field of quantum information. It has originated in a series of invited lecture courses at various universities in different countries. This is reflected in its informal style of exposition and presentation of key results in the subject. In addition to treating quantum communication, entanglement and algorithms in great depth, this book also addresses a number of interesting miscellaneous topics, such as Maxwell's demon, Landauer's erasure, the Bekenstein bound and Caratheodory's treatment of the Second law of thermodyanmics. All mathematical derivations are based on clear physical pictures which make even the most involved results--such as the Holevo bound-- look comprehensible and...

Oxford English

For Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Oxford English Image
This course is intended for students of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in universities, colleges, and technical schools, and for technicians and engineers. It can be used for self-study in conjunction with the Answer Book. Student's Book: The thirty units contain authentic reading and listening passages from a whide variety of sources. The topics have been chosen to cover areas that are common to both Electircal Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The course aims to develop all four skills through a series of tasks that encourages students to combine their knowledge of English with their technical knowledge. The Student's Book contains a comprehensive glossary of important technical terms. Cassette: The cassette contains interv...


A Very Short Introduction
Cryptography Image
This book is a clear and informative introduction to cryptography and data protection--subjects of considerable social and political importance. It explains what algorithms do, how they are used, the risks associated with using them, and why governments should be concerned. Important areas are highlighted, such as Stream Ciphers, block ciphers, public key algorithms, digital signatures, and applications such as e-commerce. This book highlights the explosive impact of cryptography on modern society, with, for example, the evolution of the internet and the introduction of more sophisticated banking methods....

CMOS Analog Circuit Design

CMOS Analog Circuit Design Image
This text presents the principles and techniques for designing analog circuits to be implemented in a CMOS technology. The level is appropriate for seniors and graduate students familiar with basic electronics, including biasing, modeling, circuit analysis, and some familiarity with frequency response. Students learn the methodology of analog integrated circuit design through a hierarchically-oriented approach to the subject that provides thorough background and practical guidance for designing CMOS analog circuits, including modeling, simulation, and testing. The authors' vast industrial experience and knowledge is reflected in the circuits, techniques, and principles presented. They even identify the many common pitfalls that lie in the path of the...

CMOS Analog Circuit Design

CMOS Analog Circuit Design Image
2nd Edition
After years of anticipation, respected authors Phil Allen and Doug Holberg bring you the second edition of their popular textbook, CMOS Analog Circuit Design. From the forefront of CMOS technology, Phil and Doug have combined their expertise as engineers and academics to present a cutting-edge and effective overview of the principles and techniques for designing circuits. Their two main goals are: to mix the academic and practical viewpoints in a treatment that is neither superficial nor overly detailed and to teach analog integrated circuit design with a hierarchically organized approach. Most of the techniques and principles presented in the seco...

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