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SoapUI Cookbook

SoapUI Cookbook Image
This book is aimed at developers and technical testers who are looking for a quick way to take their SoapUI skills and understanding to the next level. Even if you are new to SoapUI but have basic Java skills and a reasonable grasp of RESTFul and Soap web services, then you should have no problem making use of this book....

Python Programming for Arduino

Python Programming for Arduino Image
This is the book for you if you are a student, hobbyist, developer, or designer with little or no programming and hardware prototyping experience, and you want to develop IoT applications. If you are a software developer or a hardware designer and want to create connected devices applications, then this book will help you get started....

Creating Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile

Creating Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile Image
2nd Edition
This book assumes a basic level of experience with standard web development. If you've used jQuery Mobile before, you're good to go. Otherwise, you can pick it up along the way....

Neo4j High Performance

Neo4j High Performance Image
This book is intended for professionals or enthusiasts who have a basic understanding of graphs or have basic knowledge of Neo4j operations. Although it is targeted at an advanced user base, this book can be used by beginners as it touches upon the basics. So, if you are passionate about taming complex data with the help of graphs and building high performance applications, you will be able to get valuable insights from this book....

PowerShell for SQL Server Essentials

PowerShell for SQL Server Essentials Image
This book is written for SQL Server administrators and developers who want to leverage PowerShell to work with SQL Server. Some background with scripting will be helpful but not necessary....

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