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Pragmatic Bookshelf eBooks Page 17

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Enterprise Integration with Ruby

Enterprise Integration with Ruby Image
Typical enterprises use dozens, hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of applications, components, services, and databases. Many of them are custom built in-house or by third parties, some are bought, others are based on open source projects, and the origin of a few--usually the most critical ones--is completely unknown. A lot of applications are very old, some are fairly new, and seemingly no two of them were written using the same tools. They run on heterogeneous operating systems and hardware, use databases and messaging systems from various vendors, and were written in different programming languages. See how to glue these disparate applications together using popular technologies such as: LDAP, Oracle, and MySQL XML Documents and DTDs Sockets, ...

Designed for Use

Create Usable Interfaces for Applications and the Web
Designed for Use Image
Have you ever been angry at your computer or cell phone? Do you sometimes wonder why it's so hard to set your watch to the correct time, or why getting your DVR to record your favorite shows is such a chore? Do you dream of making products that are free of these issues and that your customers can actually figure out how to use? This book shows you how to design applications and websites that people will not only use but will absolutely love. In this book for designers, developers, and product managers, expert developer and user interface designer Lukas Mathis explains how to make usability the cornerstone of every point in your design process, walking you through the necessary steps to plan the design for an application or website, test it, and get u...

Deploying Rails Applications

A Step-By-Step Guide
Deploying Rails Applications Image
First you'll learn how to build out your shared, virtual, or dedicated host. Then, you'll see how to build your applications for production and deploy them with one step, every time. Deploying Rails Applications will take you from a simple shared host through a highly scalable clustered and balanced setup with Nginx. See how to tell whether you've bought enough firepower, and learn how to optimize your Rails projects applications in a systemic, rational way. Take advantage of advanced caching techniques, and become and expert with the latest servers in Nginx and Mongrel. Don't worry. You'll get a dose of Apache too. Not only will you learn how to configure your production environment, you'll also see how to monitor it with free, automated tools tha...


Accelerated JavaScript Development
CoffeeScript Image
For 15 years, dynamic web content has been written in a single language: JavaScript. Now, for the first time, programmers have an alternative that doesn't add an extra layer of abstraction or require plugins. CoffeeScript provides all of JavaScript's functionality wrapped in a cleaner, more succinct syntax that encourages use of "the good parts" of the language.CoffeeScript: Accelerated JavaScript Developmentis aimed at programmers who want to get a grip on this new language while improving their understanding of JavaScript. You'll learn about time-saving features like list comprehensions and splats, organize your code into modules with extensible classes, and get your feet wet with jQuery by building a fast-paced word game.The book also in...

Cocoa Programming

A Quick-Start Guide for Developers
Cocoa Programming Image
Cocoa Programming: A Quick-Start Guide for Developers shows you how to get productive with Cocoa-fast! We won't walk you through every class and method in the API (but we will show you where to find that information). Instead, we'll jump right in and start building a web browser using Cocoa. In just a few minutes you'll have something that works. A couple of minutes more, and you'll have code in your custom controller, listening for notifications and call-backs. Soon you'll have the functionality you'd expect in a full browser. And that's just the first few chapters......

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