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Raspberry Pi

A Quick-Start Guide
Raspberry Pi Image
2nd Edition
Printed in full color.Most of the book is targeted at beginners in computing and programming. A few parts, such as the small electronics project and setting up a web server, assume some intermediate skills.The Raspberry Pi is one of the most successful open source hardware projects ever. For less than $40, you get a full-blown PC, a multimedia center, and a web server--and this book gives you everything you need to get started. You'll learn the basics, progress to controlling the Pi, and then build your own electronics projects. This new edition is revised and updated with two new chapters on adding digital and analog sensors, and creating videos and a...

Mac Kung Fu

Over 400 Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks for Apple OS X
Mac Kung Fu Image
2nd Edition
Squeeze every drop of juice from OS X with over 400 quick and easy tips, tricks, hints and hacks in Mac Kung Fu: Second Edition . Exploit secret settings and hidden apps, push built-in tools to the limit, radically personalize your Mac experience, and make "it just works" even better. In addition to core OS X technologies, this significantly revised and expanded update to the best-selling first edition dissects new OS X Mountain Lion tools such as iCloud, Notifications, Reminders, and Calendar.Mac Kung Fu: Second Edition will blow your mind with secret hacks never before made public and little-known tricks that will change the way you work fo...

Programming Google Glass

Programming Google Glass Image
Google Glass is the new wearable computer everyone's talking about. It offers a head-mounted optical display and touch interface, and it's programmable. Kick-start your Glassware development by exploring how users can interface with Glass, developing a Glass application fast by using the Mirror API to manipulate Timeline cards and menus, tracking a Glass's geolocation, creating rich interactions by responding to user inputs, and capturing or serving user images and videos. This is the book to read for a shortcut to this brave new world. Google Glass is the next big thing in portable technology---a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display. Programming Google Glass is your all-inclusive guidebook for crafting your own Glassware using the ...

Async JavaScript

Build More Responsive Apps with Less Code
Async JavaScript Image
With the advent of HTML5, front-end MVC, and Node.js, JavaScript is ubiquitous--and still messy. This book will give you a solid foundation for managing async tasks without losing your sanity in a tangle of callbacks. It's a fast-paced guide to the most essential techniques for dealing with async behavior, including PubSub, evented models, and Promises. With these tricks up your sleeve, you'll be better prepared to manage the complexity of large web apps and deliver responsive code. With Async JavaScript, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language. You'll start with a ground-up primer on the JavaScript event model--key to avoiding many of the most common mistakes JavaScripters make. From there you'll see tools and design pattern...

Developing Android on Android

Automate Your Device with Scripts and Tasks
Developing Android on Android Image
Take advantage of the open, tinker-friendly Android platform and make your device work the way you want it to. Quickly create Android tasks, scripts, and programs entirely on your Android device--no PC required. Learn how to build your own innovative Android programs and workflows with tools you can run on Android itself, and tailor the Android default user interface to match your mobile lifestyle needs. Apply your favorite scripting language to rapidly develop programs that speak the time and battery level, alert you to important events or locations, read your new email to you, and much more. Take charge of your Android phone or tablet by creating your own programs and scripts to make your device work for you. Developing Android on Android will teac...

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