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SAS for Mixed Models

SAS for Mixed Models Image
2nd Edition
The indispensable, up-to-date guide to mixed models using SAS. Discover the latest capabilities available for a variety of applications featuring the MIXED, GLIMMIX, and NLMIXED procedures in SAS for Mixed Models, Second Edition, the comprehensive mixed models guide for data analysis, completely revised and updated for SAS 9 by authors Ramon Littell, George Milliken, Walter Stroup, Russell Wolfinger, and Oliver Schabenberger. The theory underlying the models, the forms of the models for various applications, and a wealth of examples from different fields of study are integrated in the discussions of these models: random effect only and random coefficie...

SAS Certification Prep Guide

Advanced Programming for SAS 9
SAS Certification Prep Guide Image
The SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9 prepares you to take the SAS Advanced Programming exam for SAS 9. New and experienced SAS users who want to prepare for this exam will find this guide to be an invaluable, convenient, and comprehensive resource that covers all of the topics tested on the exam. Major topics include SQL processing with SAS, the SAS macro language, advanced SAS programming techniques, and optimizing SAS programs. You will also become familiar with the enhancements and new functionality that are available in SAS 9. The book includes quizzes that enable you to test your understanding of material in each chapter. Additionally, solutions to all quizzes are included at the back of the book....

SAS 9.2 SQL Query Window

User's Guide
SAS 9.2 SQL Query Window Image
Explains how to design reports with PROC REPORT based on your output from the SQL Query Window. Covers basic query concepts, how to perform queries on single and multiple tables, how to use advanced SQL Query Window features, and how to customize the SQL Query Window environment....

SAS 9.2 SQL Procedure

User's Guide
SAS 9.2 SQL Procedure Image
Describes the basics of using PROC SQL, including retrieving data from single and multiple tables; selecting specific data from tables; subsetting, ordering, and summarizing data; updating tables; combining tables to create new tables and useful reports; performing queries on database management system (DBMS) tables; using PROC SQL with the SAS macro facility; and debugging and optimizing PROC SQL code....

SAS 9.1 Companion For Unix Enivronments

SAS 9.1 Companion For Unix Enivronments Image
Designed for users of SAS in the UNIX environment, this companion is a valuable reference tool. This documentation describes the features of the SAS language and SAS interface that are available only on UNIX or that behave differently on UNIX than on other platforms. You will learn basic X window concepts, how they relate to SAS, and how to use X resources to customize your SAS session. Additional topics include: working in and customizing the SAS windowing environment, using SAS files, using external files and devices as sources of input and as receivers of output, printing and routing SAS output, and accessing shared executable libraries from SAS. A reference section describes the SAS language features, such as data set options, procedures, and sys...

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